
除了那仨字儿,英语里还有N多告白可以让你诉衷肠。不管是含蓄的、浪漫的,还是火辣的、直白的…… 总有一款能让你在TA面前大展身手! 1. I'm totally into you. 我完全被你迷住了。 2. You...

● 母爱 maternal love; mother love; a mother‘s love for her children; maternal affection ● 父爱 paternal love ● 父母的爱 parental love ● 父母子女间的爱 love between par...

2、Encouragement through praise is the most effective method of getting people ___ their best. A. do B. to do C. doing D. done 3、Some cities have passed laws that allow coal and oil ___only if their sulfur content is low. A. burning B. to burn C...

更多内容请点击:不说那仨字儿,英文怎么表达“我爱你”? 推荐文章